"If You Want
to Grow Your Business Quickly & Easily (in Just a Few
Hours Per Week) then You'll Want to Read on to Discover
the Secrets of Successful Outsourcing"
Date: Saturday, February 22, 2025 From: Mark Shroyer
Dear Business Builder,
Picture it...
You're at an exciting stock car race. The smell
of spent fuel and burning rubber hangs in the
air like a thick blanket. You're treated to a
symphony of roaring engines and a roaring crowd.
From your position you have a perfect view of
the pit stops. You watch as cars come
to a screeching halt in front of their pit crews.
The crews service the cars in the blink of an
eye. Then 12 fast seconds later the racers are
back on the track with four fresh tires and a
full tank of gas.
But then suddenly you see something comical...
A race car driver comes screeching into the pit
- except there's no pit crew waiting for
him! So the driver climbs out of his
window, jacks up his own car and starts changing
the tires himself. He rolls the old tires outside
the pit lane. Then he runs back to his car to
fill it with gas. He takes an extra few seconds
to clean the windshield. Finally about 10 minutes
later he climbs back into the car and takes off.
Meanwhile, dozens of other race cars
have come and gone, spending just a few seconds
in the pit.
is, this race car driver is being crushed by the
competition. And it's all because he's trying
to do everything himself.
Maybe you can relate.
Let me ask you, are
you still trying to build your business by yourself?
Your Business Fast Without
Outsourcing Is Like Trying To Win A
Stock Car Race Without A Pit Crew
- It's NOT Gonna Happen!
Maybe you think my analogy is off. But just
What IF?!!...
What if Bill Gates tried to
build Microsoft completely on his own, from
programming all the software to marketing the
What if Jeff Bezos (the founder
of Amazon.com) did all the web maintenance,
product fulfillment and customer service himself?
What if Richard Branson (from Virgin Airlines,
among other ventures), personally sold you a ticket
and then piloted the plane to boot?
Sounds kind of silly, right?
I mean you can't imagine these wealthy guys running
around like chickens with their heads cut off,
trying to do everything themselves.
OKAY. I know you're probably thinking:"Ya,
but they're millionaires and billionaires, so
they can afford to hire others to take care of
the day-to-day business."
But here's the thing: These
guys did NOT become rich and THEN start outsourcing.
Became Rich BECAUSE They
Outsourced Right From The Get Go!
It's true. And it's true of just about any successful
Savvy business owners know they can turn a few
hours of their time into a week's worth of work
by harnessing the power of outsourcing! And if
you're looking to grow your business, that's what
you need to do, too!
Not sure if outsourcing is the way to go for
you? Then consider these three points:
Point #1:
The purpose of an online business (or almost
ANY business) for most entrepreneurs is to CUT
BACK your hours and enjoy your life.
I've seen it hundreds of times before:
1) A person starts a business because he's interested
in the "Internet Lifestyle" (meaning
more money and more free time)...
2) But fast forward a few months, and this
new business owner is chained to his computer
for up to 18 hours a day. He can't even go on
vacation without checking his email constantly
to cover customer inquiries. He literally becomes
a slave to his business (and the per-hour wage
isn't all that great, either).
Listen, one of the advantages of starting an
online business is that you get to work less,
make more money, and enjoy your life MORE. But
you need to outsource to make it happen.
Point #2:
There are only 24 hours in a day - you can't
do it all.
Think of the stock car racer without a pit crew
- there's no possible way for him to get out
of the pit in 12 seconds. And likewise, if you
insist on doing everything yourself, then your
business won't be going anywhere fast, either!
How long would it take you
to create an info product, build the website
for it and write the sales letter? If you
hire a ghostwriter, web designer and copywriter,
you could have it all finished in a few day's
It could take you months to
build your mailing list to profitable levels.
But put a marketing specialist on the task,
and your list could be blossoming in a matter
of days!
Listen, I could go on and
on. Point is, your business will grow BIG
and fast once you start outsourcing!
Point #3:
There are tasks you simply can't do.
Truth time:
Could you program a
mobile app right this moment?
Could you write a sales
letter that converts as well as a professional's
Could you design graphics
that make your prospects' eyes pop?
Truth is, you simply can't do everything.
And trying to do these complex tasks could
take months to learn and years to master.
Meanwhile, your business sits in a rut and
your bank account sits in the red.
The Solution?
Outsource everything you can't do or
don't want to do.
Your virtual staff can handle anything, no
matter how big or complex the task. And you'll
save yourself time, money and frustration!
Listen, by now it's pretty clear to you that
you need to leverage the power of outsourcing
in order to grow your business and start enjoying
more free time.
But if you've ever outsourced before,
the whole process sounds daunting.
You're not sure how to start.
You're not sure how to protect
You're not sure if you can
find freelancers who meet your high standards.
Here's the good news...
You don't have to worry about any of that. Not
anymore. You can skip the learning outsourcing
curve and shortcut your success...
privacy is important to us. We promise
to never rent
or sell your email address and you
can unsubscribe anytime. REMEMBER: After
you subscribe to our free 5-Day
Crash Course
you must confirm your email subscription
before it can begin.
You've Subscribed Above - Read On...
INTRODUCING *** The Hands Free Recipe Outsourcing System:
Your "Beginner Friendly" Guide For Growing
Your Business While Enjoying More Free Time!
Inside this jam-packed outsourcing guide you'll
discover everything you need to know about finding,
evaluating, hiring and managing talented freelancers
who'll grow your business. And all that's
left for you to do is figure out what you're going
to do with all your newfound free time!
Below we've used the acronym "H.A.N.D.S."
(as in "hands free!") to explain each
of the five core sections of outsourcing your
entire business.
Here's an overview of each of them and what
you'll be learning about within minutes after
you download this guide...
Your Needs
Don't even
think of outsourcing until you understand
what you REALLY need done - and what a
freelancing team can do for you!
You'll discover over a dozen
of the most popular business tasks
that you can outsource to grow your business
You'll find out the three questions
to ask which will help you quickly and
easily decide whether to outsource a particular
You'll learn 5 surprising
reasons why freelancer's prices vary
so much - and why you shouldn't
shop around based on price!
You'll get in-depth instructions
on how to determine your needs across
a variety of tasks, including:
product creation, content writing, copywriting,
designing, programming, customer service
and a wide variety of marketing tasks.
(You might be surprised to discover
which tasks are included on this list!)
The key
to outsourcing success is to know where
to find the most talented and highly qualified
freelancers, which is exactly what I'll
show you how to do!
You'll discover
the six best outsourcing sites
that every business owner ought to know
and use!
You'll learn the surprising
secrets of posting project ads that get
results - plus one simple
tip that will instantly separate the freelancing
losers from the shining super stars!
You'll get my private list
of 38 search terms you can plug into Google
to uncover some of the more popular
freelancers - don't search Google without
You'll discover 8 places online
where talented freelancers regularly hang
out - they're yours for the picking!
You'll learn 9 proven ways to
find local freelancers- and one
of these ways is going to blow you away
once you hear about it!
HEADS UP: There's a
huge talent pool hidden in your city
- I'll tell you how to tap into it before
anyone else does!
the Field
At this
step you'll discover how to choose and
hire the BEST freelancer for the job.
This is the step that allows you to sleep
easy at night, knowing your business is
in GREAT hands!
You'll get
the crucial (yet easy!) six-step
process you MUST follow if you
want to build a great team! (This is hiring made
You'll get a complete set of
checklists you can use to quickly and
easily evaluate prospective freelancers.
These checklists include:
- A complete
16 point check list for evaluating
product-creation specialists.
- A 17 point content-writing
evaluation checklist to find
qualified ghostwriters.
- A 14 point
checklist for recognizing
the best copywriters.
- A thorough
17 point checklist for
hiring talented designers
and programmers.
- A
23 point checklist to
uncover the best and
brightest marketing
A 10 point checklist
for evaluating and
installing customer
service reps to be
the face of your company.
you'll discover
the four things
you need to
do as soon
as you hire
someone new
skip this
and you stand
to lose a
lot of time
and money!
and Manage
key to outsourcing success is to provide
clear instructions and good management.
In this section I'll give you all the
tools and templates you need to do both!
You'll find
out how to give instructions and project
briefs to your freelancers so that they
give you EXACTLY what you want -
great results!
You'll get a complete set of
"no-thinking-required" project
brief templates for all your
product creation specialists, content
writers, copywriters, designers, programmers,
marketing specialists and customer service
You'll get a complete set of
protocol checklists to give to your freelancers
to make it easy for them to do their jobs.
This is management made easy!
When you
find good freelancers, hang on to them!
In this section you'll find out how to
retain your team using my motivation and
reward secrets - they'll be surprisingly
loyal to you!
You'll discover
three surefire ways for keeping
your freelancers happy - and
keeping them on your team!
You'll find out four ways to make it
easy for freelancers to do their jobs
- they'll think you're the best
boss ever and they'll be eager to please
You'll learn what the "bookend"
method is and how to use it to
boost morale and get great results from
all your freelancers!
... and more!
By the time you read the last page of this the
H.A.N.D.S. Free Guide...
Know How to Grow Your Business Quickly and Easily
While Letting Others Do All the Hard Work!
You're still reading so obviously you're interested
in this H.A.N.D.S.-Free approach to quickly and
easily grow your business.
But you're probably wondering:
Much Does This Outsourcing Course Cost?
I'm not going to beat around the bush and tell
you that this course is worth thousands to you
(even though that's true).
I'm not going to list all the other courses available
online that have half the information as mine
but cost twice the price, either.
Instead, let me cut to the chase...
The Hands Free Recipe outsourcing course
is yours for just $47 if you act now...
Listen, if you don't already know the information
inside this manual, then you're in for a steep,
frustrating and expensive climb up the outsourcing
learning curve.
If you try to go it alone, then you're
in for a world of hurt:
It's going to hurt the first
time a freelancer runs off with a couple hundred
dollars of your money...
You're going to be shocked the first time a freelancer
misses a deadline and leaves you high and dry...
You'll be devastated the first time a freelancer
turns in a project that looks like the work of a
That's just a taste of happens if you use trial
and error to learn this stuff. Trust me,
I'm talking from experience here.
I wasted hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars
and months of my time trying to figure out the
keys to outsourcing. And now that I know
them, my business grows virtually hands free.
Look, just skip all the hassles. Skip the expensive
and painful "trial and error" stuff.
Skip all the common mistakes.
Instead, buy my course for just $47 and you can
shortcut your way to explosive business growth
and success!
You know that's a good deal. But I'm going to
sweeten the pot by offering these bonuses if you
buy the Hands Free Recipe course
Now And You'll
Get These 7 Bonuses... FREE!
These aren't just "bonuses" thrown
in to make it sound like a better deal. These
resources were created specifically for this course...
as supplements. They are useful and valuable!!
I can't promise these bonuses will be available
forever, but if you order now you'll get these
goodies for free:
#1: Getting
the Most Out of Your Virtual Team.
Your freelancers aren't in the same room with
you. So how do you communicate your business objectives?
How do you track productivity? How do you manage
your team so they produce great results? You'll
discover the answers to all these questions and
more inside this report!
#2: Your Outsourcing
From posting a project to communicating with your
freelancers, this checklist makes outsourcing
a breeze!
Bonus #3: A Quick
Review of Outsourcing Vendor Sites.
As the name suggests, you'll get a quick review
of five of the top outsourcing sites, including
the pros and cons of each. This report makes choosing
an outsourcing site a breeze. Plus, you'll discover
one site that you probably hadn't even thought
of before!
Bonus #4: Getting
Great Deals From Outsource Staff.
Do you know what motivates your contractors? Do
you know what bargaining chips and leverage points
you already posses? These are the secrets you'll
discover inside this report - and once you do,
you'll never pay full price for freelancing services
Bonus #5: Finding
The Best Assistants For Your Needs.
One key to outsourcing success is to cast a wide
net when you're looking for freelancers. And that's
why you'll value this short report that uncovers
over half a dozen ways to find the most talented
assistants to grow your business!
Bonus #6: How
To Use Fiverr For Best Results.
What can you get from a freelancer for five bucks?
As it turns out, quite a lot - surprisingly! And
inside this report you'll find out how to take
advantage of Fiverr.com to get the most outsourcing
bang for your $5!
Bonus #7:
The Hands Free Recipe 31 Day Guide to Outsourcing.
This is the original guide, organized into 31
daily lessons. Each day you'll get in-depth instructions
and action steps. If you ever get overwhelmed
with information, then you'll love learning using
these daily "bite size" outsourcing
These reports sell individually for up to $30
EACH - but order now and you'll get all
7 for free!
And in case you're wondering...
Satisfaction is Absolutely,
This is my promise to you:
If you're unsatisfied for ANY reason, simply email
me back your receipt to request a refund within
60 days. You'll get your money back - no hoops
to jump through, no questions to answer, no quibbles.
Fair enough? Then...
Below to Start Growing Your
Business the H.A.N.D.S. Free Way!
Order now for just $47 and you'll get everything
seen on this page, including:
The Hands Free Recipe Outsourcing
System Main Guide
The Hands Free Recipe 31 Day to Outsourcing Quick
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And the 6 other bonus outsourcing checklists
and reports that make outsourcing a breeze - even
if you're a beginner!
There's only one thing left for you to do: Take
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Now for Instant Access Get Started Immediately
For Only $47.
Yes, I want my 63-page main
guide and all 7 bonuses to learn how to
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